Your industry employer (if you are a sub-contractor, this includes you) can make contributions to SEET. The contributions are set under your EBA.
The trustee for Secure Employees Entitlements Trust is an approved worker entitlement fund (AWEF) from 1 April 2003. Certain contributions made to an AWEF, as outlined in section 58PA of the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986, are an exempt fringe benefit.
By making payments for employees as their long service leave entitlements accrue, you can more actively manage cash-flow and reduce your balance sheet exposure.
When the employee is entitled to receive their long service leave, the employer generally makes the payment and then claims the accrued entitlement back from SEET. Or the member can claim directly but it is important to make sure that the member is not paid twice – once from SEET directly and once from the employer.